Saturday, April 3, 2010

Shih Chung Branch School: Softball Played Hard

Our favourite sport was softball instead of the wildly popular soccer in other schools. I think mainly because it's less exhausting, less violent and both boys and girls can play in the same team and everyone got three chances at hitting the ball and participating in the game.

We used hula hoops as our bases and our balls and bats were made of plastic. Softball was never a competitive sport for us because it was not listed as an official sport in any inter-school championship. We'd really look forward to each PE lesson because it's pure fun when you take the competitive element out of it. We also had soccer (mainly for boys) and badminton but those were more of extra-curricular activities.

Lee Kok Hoe was the first to use the fancy overhand throw (for baseball) but I was too shy to mimic his moves so I stuck to the underhand pitch.

We'd also tried dodge ball but it never caught on. What a bunch of fun and peace loving kids we were.


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