Saturday, April 3, 2010

Shih Chung Branch School: Class of ’88

This is a rather lousy reproduction taken using my cellphone. I'll replace it as soon as I find a good scanner.

This was actually the whole school, minus the guy with his back facing the camera on the left. Our class was made up of 32 students, roughly 35% of the entire school's population of 93, including teachers and the caretaker.

Top row, left to right:
1. 林(坤)良 注:坤,取其音。实字为上双方下土。
2. 杨文光
3. 王其洲 Ong Kee Chew
4. 张臣荣 Ah Eng
5. Totally slipped my mind
6. 林廷义
7. 郑伯贤
8. 骆永杰 Loh Eng Keat
9. 李国豪 Lee Kok Hoe

Second row, left to right:
10. 莫锦荣
11. 吴伟国
00. I'm pretty sure
00. they were our juniors
00. positioned there for
00. arrangement aesthetics
12. 赵烈康 Chew Lick Horn
13. 杨胜越
14. 赖耀达 Lai Yeow Tatt
00. junior
00. junior
15. 陈子庆 Ching Chee Heng
16. 郑伟强 to confirm

Bottom row, left to right:
17. 周天福 to confirm
18. 陈宝山 to confirm
19. 林李真 Lim Lee Chin
20. 李雪清
21. 陈惠玲
22. 陈秀容
23. 伍慧敏
24. 王小燕 to confirm
25. 黄丽妃 Ooi Lay Hooi
26. 刘盈廷 Liu Ying Ting
27. 吕加美 Loo Kar Bee
28. 曾丽萍 Chan Lay Peng
29. 郑熙凤 Teh Hee Hong

30. 何国豪
31. 罗(倚)美 注:倚,取其音。部首为丝。
32. 郭士妃

The only teachers who taught us from Primary One through Primary Six are Mr Wong (first male teacher on the left) and Mr Boey (third male teacher from left). In between them is Mr Yao, the disciplinary head and the scout master. The headmaster is the teacher who wore a tie.

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