Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Shih Chung Branch School: Is Every School Haunted?


As the student population declined, the third storey (mainly classrooms) was no longer in use when I enrolled. One day during Primary Four or Five, after class, we decided to do a little exploration. We went all the way up to the attic, which was surprisingly small, with barely enough room for three (it was me, Chew Lick Horn and another classmate). Nothing much there except a few pigeons which came in through the broken tiles.

On our way down, we passed by the third storey (I'm getting tremendous goosebumps as I'm writing this). In the middle of that floor was a wide corridor with classrooms on both sides, they were all shut. We tried the doors but they were locked (another wave of goosebumps!). Out of curiosity, I took a peep through the key hole (G~O~O~S~E~B~U~M~P~Y) of the first classroom on the left (such vivid details because it scared the daylight out of me) and guess what I saw?

No, not an eye staring back at me or little headless kids running around (will your skin age faster if you get too many goosebumps because the reflexes are overworking?). I saw a rocking chair (EPIC-GOOSE-BUMP-SSSS) and it was rocking...

The windows were all shut and what the hell was a rocking chair doing in an abandoned classroom? Even with the window opened and wind gushing in it shouldn't have rocked because it's made of metal!

I didn't scream or run, I just walked back down through the way I came up. I never went up to the third storey again.

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