Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Shih Chung Branch School: "I Don’t Wanna Friend You Anymore!"

The class was devided into three clans: Lee Kok Hoe Clan, Chan Lay Peng Clan and Ah Eng Clan. Most girls were under the Chan Clan. Some boys were under the Lee Clan, some under Eng Clan and some were clanless.

On some days the clan system has no function at all in our daily activities but most of the time it served one purpose: to hit someone from a different clan with ruler as soon as any part of his/her body crossed the invisible boundaries created by the table's edges. This happened when Lee Kok Hoe was not friend with Chan Lay Peng or Ah Eng was not friend with Lee Kok Hoe and so on...

It started with one ruler, but of course it's never enough. So it went on to become two, three, four rulers stacked together to give a fatal blow to the unsuspecting elbows or pinkies. I think the record was 10 rulers bound together by rubber band. And they were of different materials such as wood, steel and plastic. Plastic has good bounce but would sometimes crack; steel would accidentally cut so wood was the best assault device of choice.

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