Thursday, April 8, 2010

Shih Chung Branch School: The Dentist

He came to our school about twice yearly. The atmosphere in the whole school would be the exact opposite of what one experienced during Children's Day. The Dentist's room is shut all year round except when he visited. It's almost like a dark dungeon that welcomed you twice a year.

Once (or many times but I remember this one because the demo was so unconvincing) I had to have dental filling so he was going to use a dental drill on me. Perhaps sensing my dreadfulness of an impending disaster, or it was his usual way of calming students before a death sentence, he confidently showed me how harmless the dental drill was by placing the drill horizontally across the surface of his finger.

"See? It won't hurt! Just relax OK?"

No, the pseudo-drilling of his finger didn't help.

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