Thursday, April 8, 2010

Things: “Are They on Vacation?”

This is slightly more expensive than the made-in-China version but at least it stays sharp even after a long while and won't rust if you leave it in the bathroom. It also has a safety rounded edge. I use this once a week so my nostril hair won't suddenly decide to come out for a vacation.

Quite many years ago I met up with an acquaintance whom I haven't seen in a while for lunch. I don't remember where, what we had for lunch, what he wore or even how he looked like now because I can only remember one thing:

It was so long it already reached the other nostril! And apparently it was ticklish because he kept rubbing his nose every now and then. I don't know if he realised it or he was actually keeping it for a reason. Or maybe it was a candid camera joke of some sort to see my reaction. I wished I had my nostril hair scissors with me then.

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