Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Shih Chung Branch School: A Boy's Gotta Do What A Boy's Gotta Do

As I mentioned in the prologue my relationship with Shih Chung started earlier, before Primary One. I was enrolled into Shih Chung Kindergarten two years before, in 1981, when I was five. I don't remember any of the classmates or teachers (hey it's three decades ago!) but I do remember one of my proudest moments:

It was during one of the lessons that I felt a strong urge to pee. I asked for permission but was denied as the evil teacher wanted me to wait until class is over. I held it for a while but images of waterfalls and fountains kept flashing in and out of my mind (OK I exaggerated). No longer able to hold it and not wanting to defy the vile teacher, I did the most sensible thing a five-year-old could without disrupting the class:

I flipped my XX out of my shorts, sat very near to the edge of my chair without tipping over, spread my legs slightly wider part, and relieved myself. I was able to do so because I sat at the very last table in the middle of the classroom, facing the blackboard, with a few desks in front of mine. And there were rows of desks on both my left and right. So my slippery endeavour pretty much happened under the table without a hitch.

It was the last class of the day so I went home when the lesson was over and the next day the floor was dry and clean. The janitor most probably thought someone spilled water from his or her tumbler.

Warning: Please do not try this at the office.

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